The Big Picture of Covid 19: God or Satan?

by admin ~ April 25th, 2020. Filed under: Brandenburg.

It seems that there are two ways that churches are treating this pandemic, of whatever sort it is, which is hard to put in historical context. It seems like one of the bigger things that has ever come along. The first way is to treat it like it is of the devil, so that Satan is using it to shut down churches. The government takes Satan’s bait and then churches go along by not meeting. In addition, the people in the churches weaken spiritually without the assembling and the churches become useless in the world. That isn’t my interpretation. I see it as a second way, that is, this pandemic is of God, which I’ve described like a warning shot, a bow shot in maritime lingo. It’s not that serious relative to how bad the world and its people are, but it is enough of a slap on the hand, that it becomes a preemptive strike to the actual one, which will come later. This could give the world an opportunity to listen to the gospel, because people can see the frailty and transience of life. People could listen to God. It shows God is in charge. A little virus can kill people or even just an overreaction of an immune system. I don’t think this is weakening of our church. I don’t know, but I think it is strengthening our church. Our whole church, I believe, is getting closer to God. Maybe the churches complaining are weak churches that are getting weaker, because they are not built on scripture, but on gimmicks. If it was the Lord’s will for us to meet, we would meet. We’ve suspended gathering, not because we are afraid of dying, but out of love for others.

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