Celebrating Christmas

by admin ~ December 28th, 2019. Filed under: Brandenburg.

The celebration of Christmas doesn’t need to be preserved, because it isn’t required by scripture. We’ve got to believe in Christ and we’ve got to believe in His birth and celebrate His incarnation, but we don’t have to celebrate the holiday. The holiday can much more easily be crafted into something humanistic and worldly, conformable to lust, and it is, as anyone who reads this knows. This bleeds over into a profanity of Jesus Himself through the commercialization and sentimentality. How much separation is required to preserve the necessary one, Jesus Himself and the worship of Him, from the unnecessary one, the season or holiday? I’m writing to say that it should be considered. Something positive can be done to start. Put positive effort into filling your life up with Jesus Christ in all the ways that can be done, pushing out the negative or at least distraction. Whenever the biblical can take the forefront, choose for that to occur. Read scripture, pray, talk about Jesus to others, and leave out some of the vain pursuits. They might “make you happy,” but they are not the fuel for joy, the deep seated satisfaction that comes from God Himself. Being in church on Sunday and mid-week is one of them. Meditate on how your next year could result in greater work for God and personal Christian growth. With freer time, someone could do something for the Lord as an act of worship, giving to Him. The wise men brought gifts to Jesus. They treated Him like royalty, bowing to Him as Lord.

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